Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Decalcomania at the National Railway Museum

I have just begun work on a collection of objects for the National Railway Museum in York, entitled Decalcomania. The installation will take place throughout April 2011 alongside the York Open Studios, and is a collaboration between Hermione Spriggs and myself.....
.... more info to follow in due course.

Saturday, 4 December 2010


In the new year I will be running Life Drawing courses in York, as well as Sunday workshops in Sculptural Stitch and Photoshop editing.

In January I will also be doing an Abstract French Knitting workshop for York Open Studios at the York Art Gallery.

Email me for more information...  suzi@suzitibbetts.com


Sunday, 7 November 2010

Salisbury Open 2010

Preview – Monday 8 November 6.30pm
Featuring works by national and locally-based artists, including myself, the exhibition runs from Tuesday 9th November to Wednesday 8th December 2010.
Salisbury Arts Centre, Wiltshire